Our Saint Joseph Hospitality Ministry includes our ushers, greeters, welcome kiosk, and card blessings ministries. These ministries work to foster a welcoming culture that inspires guests and parishioners on their journey as disciples with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Click the links below for details on each aspect of our hospitality ministry::
This simple greeting has become a familiar acknowledgement you hear as you enter the doors of our parish every Sunday. Encouraging a welcoming culture and inspiring parishioners and our guests on their journey as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ is the mission of our Hospitality Ministry.
What do our Hospitality Ministries do…
Our Greeters welcome each person with a warm friendly smile, and a sign and/or word of welcome as they open theoutside doors of our church.
Our Ushers provide a warm welcome as you enter the interior doors, assist with directions and help each person while they are at Saint Joseph Church.
Our Welcome Kiosk (which is located at the oak desk in the Narthex) provides an engaging presence where guests can find out how to become a member of our parish and where parishioners can ask questions, inquire about parish program and ministries, get Mass cards, request parish contacts, and more.
Our Card Blessings Ministry invites our Saint Joseph school and REP students to send cards and words of encouragement to our elderly and shut-in parishioners. This ministry inspires our junior parishioners to be service-minded and journey as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. As more people come back to our Church, we need your help to grow this ministry.
So, how can you help?...Volunteer!
For more information, stop by our Welcome Kiosk on the third weekend of every month or contact us via phone or email.
And remember, whether you’re officially volunteering or not, promoting a welcoming Saint Joseph Parish culture is everyone’s responsibility. Please pray for our Hospitality ministries, and cast the Hospitality vision wide by offering a friendly word or smile to everyone you see at Mass!
“Therefore welcome one another as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.” - Romans 15:7 Amen!