Our Church is meant to journey together in faith;
to share our experiences with each other,
to listen to and encourage one another,
to work together to build God's Kingdom.
Over the next several months, Catholics across the globe will be discussing these questions and documenting our thoughts. Our parish, our Bishop, and even our Pope will receive documents influenced by our voices. We will gain a broad sense of what it's like to be a part of Christ's Church today.
And if we are receptive to the promptings of the Spirit, we will discover new ways to draw closer to the Lord... together.
Questions? Please contact the Mary Vukelich at [email protected].
On March 26, Saint Joseph parishioners are invited to come together to discuss the questions below. Our experiences and observations will be collected and summarized. Our parish, our Bishop, and our Pope will receive documents influenced by our voices. We will gain a broad sense of what it's like to be a part of Christ's Church today, both locally and globally. And if we are receptive to the promptings of the Spirit, we will discover new ways to draw closer to the Lord... together.
There will be time for each attendee on the 26th to participate in discussion of TWO of these topics. Attendees can specify their preferred topics when they register. Please note that everyone can send comments on ANY/ALL topics directly to the Harrisburg Diocese via the "Virtual Auditorium" at www.hbgdiocese.org/synod-2021-2023.
Questions? Please contact Mary Vukelich at [email protected]g.
Companions on the Journey | How are we called to grow as companions? What groups or individuals might be left on the margins? |
Listening | How is God speaking to us through voices we sometimes ignore? How well do we listen to those on the fringes? |
Speaking Out | What enables or hinders speaking up courageously, candidly, and responsibly in our local Church and in society? |
Celebration | How do liturgical celebrations inspire our common life, mission in our community, and most important decisions? How do we promote the active participation of all the faithful? |
Sharing Responsibility for Our Common Mission | What hinders the baptized from being active in the mission of the Church? What areas of mission need more attention? |
Dialogue in Church and Society | To what extent to diverse peoples in our community come together for dialogue? What are the means of dialogue within our local Church? |
Ecumenism | How do we journey together with members of other Christian traditions and denominations? What are the fruits and difficulties of journeying together? |
Authority and Participation | How does our Church community identify the goals to be pursued, the way to reach them, and the steps to be taken? How are teamwork and co-responsibility put into practice? |
Discerning and Deciding | How does our Church community use consultation or discernment in decision-making processes? How can we grow in communal spiritual discernment? |
Forming Ourselves in Synodality | How does our Church community form people for journeying together, listening to one another, and participating in mission? |
March 2022 - conduct "In This Together" discussion session
April 2022 - prepare report for the diocese
May 2022 - deliver report to the diocese
July 2022 - parish communications - summary of parish participation in the synod
September 2022 - parish communications - synod follow-up
October 2022 - parish communications - synod follow-up
September 2023 - The 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops gets underway
IN OUR DIOCESE... The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Synod Team is preparing for the Interim Stage Synthesis. As part of this, each diocese has been asked to host additional discussions on the below two questions:
1. Where have I seen or experienced successes—and distresses—within the Church’s structure(s)/organization/leadership/life that encourage or hinder the mission?
2. How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel and to live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?
The Diocese of Harrisburg is holding an online session via Zoom on Wednesday, March 20 at 6 p.m. All are invited to participate in this session. Register at www.hbgdiocese.org/synod.
Questions? Please contact Mary Vukelich at [email protected].