The Knights of Columbus is, above all, a fraternity, a brotherhood of like-minded Catholic men and their families. Members aim to support one another in good times and bad and thereby strengthen the ideals of Catholic Knighthood. Active participation in membership recruitment efforts, the degree ceremonials, and the social and athletic programs of a council enhance one’s appreciation of what it means to be a Knight of Columbus.
The Knights of Columbus Saint Joseph Council 12788 is dedicated in service to one, in service to all. The Knights of Columbus Council 12788 is the foundation of Columbianism in our parish. Saint Joseph Council 12788 has grown its family to include the Columbiettes. With the inspiration and support of our parish Pastor/Parish Administrator, we have accomplished and supported numerous activities for our parish.
Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization dedicated to promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious and social welfare works, rendering mutual aid and assistance to sick and needy members and their families, and providing insurance products and annuities to benefit members and their families.
Have you ever considered becoming a Knight? Check out our video which highlights some of the many things the Knights do for our parish, and learn how YOU can become part of the largest Catholic men's fraternal, lay organization in the world! All men of the parish, 18 or older, are encouraged to join. We meet monthly on a weekday evening. We also coordinate and support numerous events throughout the year. Contact us to learn more!
Members of the Saint Joseph’s Knights of Columbus provide individuals and families the opportunity to meet and socialize after all Masses on most Sundays during the school year. Usually donuts, pastries, coffee, and milk are available to enable individuals to relax and meet other members of the parish. Individuals other than members of the Knights are welcome to volunteer their services during these functions. A sign-up sheet for volunteers is maintained in the kitchen for anyone, including students, interested in helping.
Please congratulate Past Grand Knight Warren Stephens for achieving the prestigious Star Council award for the fraternal year 2019-2020. Star Council pins were earned by past Grand Knight Warren Stephens, Membership Director James Husic and Program Director Clayton Keefer. Pictured here is current Grand Knight Clayton Keefer accepting the award for Past Grand Knight Warren Stephens from District Deputy James Markley.
The Silver Rose Pro-Life Prayer Service is held annually, typically in September. Visit our Events page for this year's service details.
Through the Silver Rose program, we ask the Blessed Mother to guide us as we step into the breach and fight against the culture of death that grips our society. Each year, silver roses journey along routes across North America including Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Along the way, the roses are handed off from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and council to council. We were so blessed to have the Silver Rose Program held here at Saint Joseph. With these silver roses, we honor Our Lady of Guadalupe and affirm our dedication to the sanctity of human life. The rose used in this service was blessed by Pope Francis in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the program during a February 2020 meeting between the Holy Father, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, and Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori at the Vatican.