Devotional booklets for adults, and prayer and activity items for kids are available before and after Masses February 22/23 and March 1/2 in the Church Narthex.
If you miss those weekends, feel free to contact Becky to see if additional supplies are available.
Additional daily inspiration options:
Wednesday, March 5
This Christmas we handed out copies of this book as gifts to all who came to the holiday Masses. The book shares what the author, Allen R. Hunt, says he has learned from the happiest people he knows.
In this year’s Annual Lenten Speaker Series, we will hear from some of the happiest people at Saint Joseph Parish! Their unique perspectives will be offered to encourage and inspire us.
In Brindle Hall, Fridays; meal at 5:15, talk at 5:30 PM
March 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
Men's Lenten Retreat - Saturday, March 8
Details coming soon!
The Stations of the Cross developed over many centuries as an alternative for the faithful who could not make an actual visit to the Holy Land. Not able to go to the Holy Lands this year? We invite you to participate in this devotional practice. All ages welcome!
In the Church Sanctuary:
Fridays 1:20 PM (SJS students in attendance) and 6:30 PM, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
At the Gazebo:
Good Friday, April 18 at 6:30 PM
Come accept the Lord's pardon & peace. If you haven’t been to Reconciliation in a long time, or if you’ve “forgotten how”, don’t worry! The priest will welcome you and guide you through the sacrament. You can also find resources on our website.
In the Church Sanctury
Saturdays 2:15-3:15 PM
Saint Joseph Parish Penance Service, Sunday April 13 at 2 PM
To see other local Penance Services, please consult their websites:
As Catholics, we believe in Christ’s real presence — body, blood, soul, and divinity — in the Eucharist. In addition to every Mass, we are able to spend time with Jesus in a special way during Eucharistic Adoration.
The Eucharistic Revival organizing committee has made this wonderful prayer companion for use during adoration this Lent. Feel free to download it for your personal use.
In the Church Sanctuary
Fridays 7:30-8:30 PM (following 6:30 PM Stations of the Cross and 7 PM Mass)
March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
Looking to do works of service this Lent? Look no further!
(1) We can use help with food prep, setting up, serving and cleaning up at the Lenten Speaker session on selected Fridays in Lent. Adults and families are welcome to sign up! These events will take place in Brindle Hall. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE SIGNUP SHEET. Feel free to signup for multiple tasks if your schedule will allow it! :) Contact Becky Davis at [email protected] or 717-766-9433 with questions. Thank you for your willingness to serve!
(2) The Winter Overnight Safe Haven shelter needs volunteers! Click HERE FOR INFO, and HERE TO SIGNUP!