Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!
Congratulations to all our Second Graders who made their First Holy Communion!
“The Body and Blood of Christ are given to us so that we ourselves will be transformed in our turn. We are to become the Body of Christ, his own Flesh and Blood. We all eat the one bread, and this means that we ourselves become one. In this way, adoration becomes union. God no longer simply stands before us as the One who is totally Other. He is within us, and we are in him. His dynamic enters into us and then seeks to spread outwards to others until it fills the world, so that his love can truly become the dominant measure of the world.”
-Pope Benedict XVI, World Youth Day, August 21, 2005
As a Parish Family, the center of our life is the Sunday celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the daily experience of Eucharistic prayer and adoration. We believe that the liturgical celebration of the Holy Eucharist is the “source and summit” of our Christian lives. All of the activities of our Christian life, from the daily actions at home to the call to justice and service, draw from the Eucharist the grace to live out our faith as the Body of Christ.
“The Eucharist is the very sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus which he instituted to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until his return in glory. Thus he entrusted to his Church this memorial of his death and Resurrection. It is a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a paschal banquet, in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us.” (Compendium to The Catechism of the Catholic Church, #271)
“The unfathomable richness of this sacrament is expressed in different names which evoke its various aspects. The most common names are: the Eucharist, Holy Mass, the Lord’s Supper, the Breaking of the Bread, the Eucharistic Celebration, the Memorial of the passion, death and Resurrection of the Lord, the Holy Sacrifice, the Holy and Divine Liturgy, the Sacred Mysteries, the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, and Holy Communion.”
(Compendium to The Catechism of the Catholic Church, #275)
When a parishioner is confined to home because of illness, advanced age or infirmity, please call the office and arrangements will be made to take Holy Communion to the person.
If you have any questions concerning the requirements for the reception of Holy Communion, please contact the Religious Education Office at 717-766-2472.